화나 있는 하체 앨리스 소희

화나 있는 하체 앨리스 소희

Comments 댓글 이미지 등록 : [이미지주소]

- 욕설, 비방, 어그로 댓글 작성 시 통보 없이 삭제됩니다. (신고 부탁합니다.)

DaveInPA 2022.10.15 21:14
Why have I never seen her on Inkigayo, Music Bank, or Music Core?
피파충117 2022.10.16 05:43
[@DaveInPA] Her group is not famous. They probably have shown themselves on those Music shows but not as frequent as other groups. Some people say their company does not put much effort on them, but who knows the truth. That’s all I know about this group.